Chicago Drunk Driver Accident Attorneys

Seeking Maximum Compensation for Your Car Accident Injuries and Losses

Car accidents are common on highways throughout the Chicagoland area. Every driver faces challenges such as traffic jams and road construction. If you have been injured in a car accident on one of Chicago s highways, you need an experienced personal injury attorney to help you recover full and fair compensation for all your losses.

At Klest Injury Law Firm, our Chicago car accident lawyers represent people throughout the greater Chicago area. If you have suffered injuries in a car wreck caused by another driver, we can help you recover compensation to pay for medical expenses, rehabilitation, lost wages or income, disability or disfigurement, and pain and suffering. If a loved one has been killed in a car crash, we can help you pursue a wrongful death claim.

If you were recently involved in an accident, review our steps to take after an accident to determine what you should do next to preserve your right to seek compensation.

In addition, please feel free to visit our helpful motor vehicle accident information center. You can also read our car accident FAQ to learn more.Attorney Joseph G. Klest: Your Car Accident Advocate

Most people rely exclusively on their automobile insurance providers to compensate them for any losses resulting from a car accident. After an automobile accident, insurance companies work to minimuze the amount they pay to injured people. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer offers you the best chance of getting the money you deserve. Whatever the causes, whatever the injuries, a speedy investigation by an experienced Chicago car accident lawyer can make all the difference.

Attorney Joseph G. Klest has more than 30 years of experience successfully negotiating with insurance providers to get full and fair compensation for auto accident victims. When negotiations are impossible, Attorney Klest will use his aggressive litigation skills to advocate on your behalf in court.Contact Our Illinois Car Wreck Injury Lawyers

We take all car accident injury or wrongful death cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay no attorneys fees unless we recover damages for you.

FindLaw s DUI Law section covers a wide spectrum of issues pertaining to impaired driving, including court procedures, different types of charges, how to defend.

chicago drunk driver accident attorneys chicago drunk driver accident attorneys

Motor Vehicle/Car Accident Attorneys Chicago Have you or a loved one been in a bad motor vehicle accident. Whether you were in a car, truck or bus, or on a bicycle or.

Top Injury Attorney IL

chicago drunk driver accident attorneys chicago drunk driver accident attorneys

Car Accidents

Our Chicago car accident attorneys have resolved hundreds of automobile accident cases on behalf of injured people and their loved ones. While safety advancements continue to make vehicles safer, operator error is the primary cause of these collisions. Our auto accident lawyers are familiar with causes of these accidents, the insurance companies frequently involved and how to maximize the recovery in each circumstance. Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers will do what it takes to get your car accident case resolved via settlement, mediation or trial.

Rear-End Crashes Hit and Run Accidents Traffic Light Crashes Drunk Driving Fatal Auto Accident Truck Accidents

Truck accident crashes can be complex and frequently involve multiple parties including: trucking companies, drivers, logistic companies and corporate product manufacturers and distributors. The experienced truck accident attorneys at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers have a proven track record of obtaining maximum compensation for people injured in collisions involving all types of trucks. Our team has accident investigators and reconstructionist that can be deployed to the scene of an accident to begin building a case for you. When cases involve significant damages and fatalities, we have a network of expert witnesses such as economists and life care planners to assist in educating a judge and jury about the impact of the collision on our clients. Learn more about our commercial truck accident litigation practice below:

Wide Turn Truck Accidents Rear End Accidents Jackknife Loading Dock Accidents Material Falling From Trucks Bus Accident Truck Accident Fatalities Motorcycle Accidents

As a motorcyclist injured in an accident, you may face an uphill battle with insurance companies to recover compensation for your medical bills, property damage and lost income. The aggressive motorcycle accident attorneys at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers appreciate the obstacles standing between a person injured in a motorcycle accident and getting the compensation that you are entitled to under the law. Our team is ready to get to work on your behalf and stands ready to address any questions you have about your rights and the claims process-

Left Turn Accidents Hit and Run Lane Change Crashes Passenger Injuries Wrongful Death Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing homes provide an important component of medical care for patients who require short-term or long-term care. By law, nursing homes must provide the highest level of care to patients to achieve their highest level of functioning. Unfortunately, many nursing homes are more focused on maximizing their profitability rather than providing the care that their patients require. Staffing levels are regularly reduced and inexperienced employees may be providing care to patients with comprehensive medical needs. Consequently, vulnerable nursing home patients may be victims of nursing home negligence and suffer a serious injury or death during their admission. Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers has a team of elder abuse attorneys who has prosecuted all types of nursing home injury cases and stands ready to do the same for you.

Bed Sores Falls Neglect Medication Errors Wrongful Death Dog Bites

Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers represents plaintiffs in dog bite and dog attack cases throughout Illinois. Our dog bite attorneys know the immediate and future consequences a dog bite can have on the victim and work to secure the most favorable recovery for you via negation with the insurance company for the homeowner or litigation. While many dog bite attacks occur at the home of friends or relatives, it is important to remember that the insurance carrier typically pays for a settlement as opposed to payment from the dog owner directly. Regardless of the circumstance, our law firm is keenly aware of how insurance companies evaluate these incidents and will do what it takes to maximize the value of your dog bite case.

Scarring Nerve Damage Non-Bite Injuries Pit Bull Attacks Bicycle Accidents

Our bicycle accident lawyers are deeply committed to holding negligent drivers responsible when their acts cause an accident. Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers has successfully prosecuted claims and lawsuits on behalf of cyclists who have been injured or killed in Chicago and across Illinois. After establishing that a driver s conduct caused an accident, we then turn to demonstrating our client s injuries are fully established to an adjuster at an insurance company or jury hearing evidence in a bicycle accident lawsuit. As an injured bicyclist you can take comfort in the fact that our firm has successfully represented hundreds of injured bicyclists in almost every conceivable fact pattern.

Dooring Sideswipes Turning Vehicles Bike Lane Crashes Wrongful Death Medical Malpractice

Nearly 100,000 people die every year due to the negligent care of a physician or hospital staff. Thousands of other patients have had their lives forever changed due to an injury sustained Illinois law provides that a victim of negligent medical has the burden of proving that the care that they received was not up to the standard of care in the community. Assuming this threshold can be met, an individual can recover damages related to their tangible medical expenses, lost wages and intangible losses pain, disability pursuant to Illinois. The medical malpractice attorneys at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers have helped individuals and families recover significant funds with these difficult cases.

Anesthesia Error Surgical Mistakes Hospital Negligence Emergency Room Malpractice Never Events Wrongful Death Birth Injury

When a physician fails to identify a complication during prenatal visits or competently respond to fetal distress during the labor and delivery process, the child may be irreversibly harmed. At Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers we have helped families identify situations where medical negligence is responsible to an injury to their child. Our birth injury attorneys appreciate the emotional and financial toll a child s birth injury can have on the entire family. Our goal remains to obtain the necessary funds a child is entitled to under the law to provide for the best possible quality of life for them and so they may achieve their fullest potential. Below are some of the birth injury lawsuits our attorneys handle.

Erb s Palsy Cerebral Palsy Placental Abruption Oxygen Deprivation Fetal Stroke Stillbirth Dangerous Drugs

The most promising pharmaceutical drugs may arrive to a very receptive market place as they offer hope of pain relief or a higher quality of life for patients who may have a chronic condition or disease. While many of these medical advancements are truly revolutionary, others do little more than add to the problems a patient may have been suffering from originally. As pioneers in the areas of pharmaceutical drug litigation, Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers is uniquely positioned to litigate claims on behalf of individuals and families who have been harmed by dangerous or recalled pharmaceutical drugs. Our lawyers know how devastating medical complications can be after a patient has put their trust into a drug that was offered alleviate a debilitating condition and are committed to holding these companies fully responsible. Below is a sampling of some of our pending pharmaceutical matters.

Granuflo Zofran Onglyza Xarelto Defective Medical Devices

When a defective or dangerous medical device is placed in the market, it may have disastrous consequences for the people it was designed to help. In recent years, we have witnessed devices such as: surgical implants, surgical equipment, hospital equipment, diagnostic tools, prosthetic devices and other medical appliances rushed to market without the necessary testing performed by the manufacturer to ensure that the product is safe. Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers is committed to consumer safety and is at the forefront when it comes to litigation involving defective and recalled medical devices that cause harm.

Morcellators Vaginal Mesh Nuvaring IVC Filter Migration Work Injury

Every day skilled workers attend head off to work in factories and construction sites with the goal of putting in a full day s worth of work and helping support their families. In the industrial setting, when corporations put a premium on profits over employee safety, basic safeguards and basic common sense may be ignored resulting in situations where workers are seriously injured. When a worker is injured on the job, the impact is felt on both the individual and his or her family. As legitimate medical concerns ease, a ready source of strain economic strain may pervade the family unit. Our Chicago work accident lawyers appreciate the broad impact a work accident can have on a family and do everything possible to secure a recovery for the immediate and future costs related to: medical bills, lost wages, disability and pain.

Mesothelioma Farm Accident Jones Act / Maritime Rail Road / FELA Workers Compensation Forklift Accidents Child Injury

As much as we try to protect our children, dangerous conditions commonly arise in a variety of contexts where children are frequently present. When the condition of the property or conduct of the authoritative figure results in harm to the child, the minor s parents may pursue a legal remedy to recovery compensation for the child. At Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers, our attorneys have experience prosecuting lawsuits on behalf of children who have been injured in a variety of contexts. Regardless of the circumstance, our team is keenly aware of the situations impact on the child and every effort is made to make the legal process as easy as possible for the minor and his / her family.

Sexual Abuse Day Care Abuse Carnival Ride Accidents Wrongful Death of Child Premises Liability

As a guest to business or home, you have a right to expect that the property is safe and well maintained. You should be able the premises with the expectation that you will remain safe and free from harm caused by the negligence of the property owner and maintenance company. Unfortunately, when building codes are not followed and maintenance is avoided dangerous conditions can develop when may cause and injury to an invitee. In order for an injured person to recover damages for their injuries under a premises liability theory, they generally must establish that the landowner had knowledge of the condition or defect that caused their injury. The premises liability attorneys at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers have successful prosecuted premises liability cases against: landlords, owners, architects, property maintenance contractors and even municipalities.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Slip and Fall Stairway Fall Pool Drowning Inadequate Property Maintenance Construction Accidents

For the men and women who earn their living in the construction industry, everyday presents a host of situations that puts them into a situation where they are at risk for an injury. The construction accident attorneys at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers know that even with strict construction safety guidelines and OSHA regulations, skilled workers on construction sites remain at risk for injury due to inherently dangerous conditions and companies who cut corners when it comes to jobsite safety. We appreciate the physical and financial impact an injury can have on a construction worker when they have a family to support and are unable to work. If you were injured on a construction site, our attorneys will take the necessary steps to protect all of your legal rights for the fullest possible recovery for you.

Falls Heavy Equipment Accident Road Construction Accident Third-Party Lawsuit Wrongful Death Personal Injury

You or a family member may have suffered an injury in an unusual circumstance. You may be unsure of the underlying cause or responsible parties. Not a problem. As established Chicago personal injury lawyers we have handled a very diverse range of accident cases throughout Illinois and stand ready to help in the investigation on prosecution of serious injury cases. Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers is unique in that we have attorneys and investigators who are available to talk with you and begin the investigation of an accident immediately. Our hands-on approach to accident cases ensures that the unique aspects of every case gets the attention it deserves in order to maximize the value for you.

Pharmacy Error Public Transportation Accident Product Liability Boat Accident.

Chicago Car Accident Lawyer Seeking Maximum Compensation for Your Car Accident Injuries and Losses. Car accidents are common on highways throughout the.

Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers

Chicago injury law firm representing clients cases involving car accidents, premises liability, workers compensation and wrongful death.

Bicycle Accidents. Our bicycle accident lawyers are deeply committed to holding negligent drivers responsible when their acts cause an accident.

chicago drunk driver accident attorneys

At Malman Law our personal injury attorneys will aggressively pursue a valid claim originating from a slip and fall accident.